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Haiku is like a vortex of energy; a haiku moment is a moment of absolute intensity in which the poet’s grasp of his intuition is complete and the image he describes lives its own life. The art of haiku is to frame reality in a single instant that will lock the poet and reader into sharing the same experience.​



If I were you I​
Would do Haiku in order​
To set myself Free!​

Dig deep into my​
Purpose & help me create​
Magnificent me.


(Work on self-improvement from inside-out.)

Doin’ it now may​
Limit my options. For life​
Will catch up with me!​


(You reap in the future what you sow today – so be cautious.)​

If you love yourself​
Pass on invitations that​
Just serve to harm you.


(Believe in yourself.)

HIV makes me think​
About long-range options for​
Living disease free.


(Think about your future and how you can protect it from HIV.)

AIDS, now that’s something​
You get when you think you’ve got​
It all together?


(Even people who think they know it all have been stopped in their tracks because of HIV.)


Help me know in my​
Soul my goal and path to my​
Special life purpose.


(Look inside yourself for answers concerning your purpose.)




When he pulled back his​
Fist, he stared at the lifeless​
Face of his best friend.


(Use your brain and not your fist.)


Drugs and dope and smoke​
Keep me in a fog about​
Everything that’s real.


(Illicit drugs are mind-altering substances.)



In jail – not because​
I pulled the trigger to kill​
But, drank, drove, and crashed.


(Know the legal consequences of drinking and driving.)



Potentially his life

Was filled with potential

For endless opportunities

To create, to serve, to live.

This potential still exists

Even though his life

Choices took him off his path

Temporarily limiting

Options, joy, happiness


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