Healthy Haiku 3
How to Fight Childhood Obesity
One Poem at a Time!
Like most adults, the average teenager in the United States has a nutritionally poor diet, does not engage in regular physical activity, and may be at increased risk for diseases and health challenges - many of which are related to lifestyle choices and behaviors. Accordingly, disadvantaged youth and/or youth of color (i.e., African Americans, Latino Americans, and Native Americans) suffer disproportionately from diseases and conditions such as obesity, diabetes as well as social health indices such as violence.
This book is the third in the Healthy Haiku Series of books and the first one introduced as an Ebook for easy downloading. It is designed to do several things. First, it serves as an aid for mentors. The term “mentor” is used to encompass all adults that work with youth and are responsible for youth development including educators and parents that work with youth, regardless of race or ethnicity. It may however be particularly helpful to those needing alternative strategies to educate and motivate the underserved and at-risk.
Second, this book serves as a guide for: 1) helping teens and their mentors explore important health and life issues; 2) contributing to language literacy by introducing teens to the world of poetry - Haiku poetry in particular, an ancient Japanese poetry form; 3) assisting teens in using their creative talents to describe feelings and experiences related to important health and life issues; and 4) creating a Power Source Prompt (PSP)* for youth to draw upon when faced with real life challenges regarding their health.
*A PSP is a trigger that takes one back to their power source or inner strength to effectively deal with the potential risk. A PSP may become a way out of a tough situation regarding peer pressure to eat nutritionally deficient foods, smoke or engage in risky sex.

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